In Spain, more than 2,000,000,000,000 coffee capsules are consumed every year. 85% of the capsules are thrown away in the grey bin, and 10% are thrown away in the yellow bin, arriving at the shredding plant and, as the size is smaller than can be managed, they also end up in the landfill.

In-caf is an industrial research project that was born to be the starting point of a new disruption in the sector of automatic coffee machines as household appliances.

The project will carry out research into a new design and engineering of the coffee machine and its internal components, with the aim of being the smallest capsule-free automatic coffee machine on the market. It will also develop a demand prediction platform through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology.

In-caf is led by Clúster Foodservice De Catalunya and co-driven by Barcelona Creativity & Design Foundation, Incapto and Lucid Design Agency. The total cost of the project is 272,891 €, of which 218,312 € will be provided by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, within the programme of Support to AEIs to help improve the competitiveness of Spanish industry, as well as the European Union through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Barcelona Creativity & Design Foundation and its members can participate in this project thanks to the fact that BCD Foundation has been recognised as an Innovative Business Group by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism.
